Monday 15 July 2013

Have you seen these sites?

Just a couple of sites that may be of use...

National geographic

Think quest

Add any more that you find useful into the comments!

Friday 12 July 2013

How to fill in the tracking sheet

Below, you will find a tracking sheet that has been filled in. I have planned all of my activities in blue pen at the start of my project and then revisited my plans in red pen throughout. In the notes section, i have included specific detail about my plans and progress as well as helpful resources. I have also used the spare rows to add in my own tasks...

Topic: The Mt Vesuvius eruption in the year 79 AD

Planned Date Finished
Actual Date Finished
28 July
25th July
Go to the library in holidays, look for books as well as use the computer at the library – ask Mum to take me. Will need to go at least twice.
We went! Thanks Mum!, and “Vesuvius the Buried Treasure” – great resources!
26 July
Ask my cousin for advice
When I go to stay at my cousins house at the end of the holidays, make sure I ask her about what i should include in my speech and how i should write it – get some tips!
Didnt end up going to stay at her house – stink! Will try and phone her next week
4th August
3rd August
Speech Writing
Use the weekend to finish – make sure its finished by MONDAY 4th!
DONE! Feels great that I am finished writing my speech!

6th August
6th August
Write onto  speech cards
Make sure I take card from school home.
Make sure i write only bullet points on cards! Not like last year!!!
Done! I am really happy with my speech cards – they are clear and concise!
13th August
Read through speech each night – once from my full refill copy and once from my speech cards... See if i can improve each night!!!
I dont think I have been practicing enough!!! Must do more!

13th August
15th August
Find visual aids to use in my speech
Ring up my cousin and ask her for ideas on what i could include as ‘visual aids’
She gave me a great website to check out
Found great images and have baking soda and vinegar ready!
18th August
Work on my body gestures and changing the way i talk to suit the speech content. Keep on practicing my speech, maybe once in the morning and twice at night.



Forces of Nature Project Sheet


DUE: 20th August 2013

This project is focused on our current Inquiry unit - Forces of Nature. At school our two classes (Pūkeko and Kākāpō) will be working on a range of topics from thunder and lightning to cloud formation and earthquakes. This project will be presented in the form of a speech. You are to conduct your own research and plan your work under your own headings. Your speech is to be between 2 min 30 sec and 3 minutes long.
This project is to be focused on either:
·      A single natural event (eg: Boxing Day Tsunami, 1931 Napier Earthquake, Haiti 2010 Earthquake, Hurricane Katrina,)
·      A specific feature of our natural world (eg: Pink and White Terraces, Minerals, Southern Lights Aurora Australis).
The project is not to be based on a topic that we have been working on in class.

You will be assessed on your ability to:
·      Research effectively, providing an interesting topic and informative content
·      Write an effective speech that is well structured (introduces key ideas early, repeats key messages, has a good flow of ideas) and has a balance of facts, comments, specific and global details, opinion and reflection.
·      Use language features / presentation aids to capture and retain the audiences attention
(language features of rhyme, metaphor, simile, hyperbole and more!)
·      Use an appropriate and engaging tone with variation of pace (including hesitations, pauses, silences), volume and emphasis as well as facial and body language.

You are being given this project before the holidays – currently you have 5 weeks to prepare your speech. It is advisable to get started on your research in the holidays – if you have any questions over the holidays you can email me and I will get back asap ( I will be checking in with each student at the end of Week 1 (Friday 2nd August) to make sure that sufficient progress is being made.

There will be information, links and small videos going online at to give you more information about what you need to do to achieve well in this project.

Again, I will encourage all students to use the time before school from 8:30-9:00 to work on their projects for the first three weeks of Term 3. You can utilize resources that we have at school – netbooks, paper for making speech cards, library etc.


Planned Date Finished
Actual Date Finished


Speech Writing

