Thursday 5 September 2013

Iwi Essay Marking Criteria

        Iwi Essay Marking Criteria

Cover Sheet - 1 mark
Follow the instructions in the assignment sheet for one easy mark!

Essay Plan - 4 marks:
You will need to show thorough planning and that you have thought about your information and structured it well.

Research - 5 marks:
You will need to have used various sources and identified a wide key information about your Iwi.
Essay – 10 marks:
Your essay will achieve good marks if it includes:

  • Good ideas with 1 or 2 elaborated ideas
  • A good structure (organisation of your ideas shows purpose).
  • A variety of sentence structures.
  • Wide vocabulary choices and accurate spelling, punctuation.
  • A strong theme that is woven throughout your writing
  • A strong introduction and conclusion

    I have selected an essay format so that you give a message within your writing, not simply reporting facts about an Iwi but giving a broader message about your chosen Iwi that is supported by facts. Make sure you make your message prominent.

Iwi Assignment (essay)

Assignment # 4 – Essay – Iwi of Aotearoa

Your assignment is to complete an essay about a Māori Iwi of your choice.

You can research from any source (Books, Library (SHP or Petone/Hutt), Websites, Contacting marae, People you know...) and will need to plan thoroughly in order to write effectively.

You are to write between 700-1000 words.

Before the 20th September you will need to complete and hand in
·      A cover sheet;
·      An essay plan; and,
·      Your final essay.

Your cover sheet will need to include your name, the name of the iwi that you have researched and written about, your specific research sources and your writing goal for Terms 3 & 4.

One option for the essay plan can be found at
We will discuss what your plan should include in class – and notes will be written up online at our class blog for you to refer to.

You can handwrite (neatly) or type your assignment. The Kākāpō netbooks will be available before school each day should you wish to use them for your assignment – if you need more time, please ask me.

You can choose what specifically you write about but some exampes are:
1.     Particular myths or legends associated with your chosen Iwi.
2.     Important historical events or people
3.     The current state of your chosen Iwi
4.     A focus on a particular hapu/subtribe or Marae within the Iwi
5.     Personal annecdotes and stories about what makes your chosen Iwi special

I would expect that all essays would introduce their Iwi appropriately and state which Waka their Iwi is associated with, the rohe - area from which the Iwi comes and if the Iwi has particular historical links with other Iwi.

A couple of websites to get you started:

If you have any questions you will need to ask me ASAP!

Mr Theobald